The Ugandan Athletes Fund Academy - Non-profit athletics club based in Uganda but started in Sweden. We help young vulnerable talents in Uganda realize their dream and becoming world class athletes.
About us
At The Ugandan Athletes Fund Academy we are committed to a single goal, "Helping great talent become world class". We provide our athletes with the opportunity to focus on success instead of focusing on unnecessary financial hurdles. Donations go directly to Ugandan athletes to support their training, coaching, nutrition, team fees, travel and basic living expenses.
The potential long term goal of the Ugandan Athletes Fund Academy is plain and simple, more equipment and financial support will mean more athletes will have the chance to do sports (athletics) and get the opportunity to realize their dreams. In addition to the obvious health benefits that a more active lifestyle will bring, youth doing athletics will build self-esteem and learn valuable life skills, such as teamwork, sportsmanship and dealing with adversity. These are life skills that they will have for the rest of their lives.
How we work
In the program the young athletes get the chance to work with a trained coach race at national and regional competitions/international competitions in East Africa, be eligible for cash-bonuses based on their performance at specified events as well as help with everyday obstacles such as transportation to and from practices. They get food in connection to the training, travel to training camps and the necessary equipment to be able to train at a high level. All this at no cost to the athlete other than that they commit to the program and stays clean from drugs and alcohol.
Our athletes depends on the financial support and they believe that given the chance they are capable of being world class athletes. Help us raise money to support the UAFA athletes.
Donations go directly to Ugandan athletes to support their training, coaching, nutrition, team fees, travel and basic living expenses.
Athletics gives them an opportunity to make a change for the better in their lives.
We hope you want and can help us to reach our goal.
Every crown means a lot!
If, for whatever reason, you are unable to fund our project, we would greatly appreciate your assistance in opening the door and dialogue for the Acandemy with other potential funders.
We thank you for your support.
The Ugandan athletes fund Academy
Helping great talent become world class